Monday, August 16, 2010

Splish Splash I was takin' a bath...

Caden loves bath time. He has started to splash with his feet only, and is so serious about it. He doesn't smile, but you can tell he's having fun. I have a video I have tried to upload, but I can't make it work. We'll see if I can figure it out.

His bedtime routine has been a blessing for us and was the suggestion of some good friends of ours that use it for their little girl.

  • Bath - He loves the bath and on days we skip it, he doesn't sleep as well - he stays asleep, but I can hear him restlessly moving on the monitor.

  • Eat - If we take too long putting pajamas on, he lets me know "Mom, I'm ready to eat." He knows what comes after a bath and he doesn't want to wait.

  • Book - If he doesn't fall asleep while eating, then Court or I will read him a story. He loves his Panda book and will look at those pictures. If we read a different story, it's just more time to babble back to us.

  • Bed - Even when he isn't acting sleepy, we put him in bed with his pacifier. If the hands approach his head, we are golden. He will usually spit out the pacifier in favor of his thumb.

He sleeps through the night 95% of the time. Since July 3rd, we have only had two nights where he has woken up between bedtime and 4am. However, after 4am, all bets are off and he could wake up hungry at any time.

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